Higher Heart Activation

Date: September 14th

Time: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Location: 961 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Investment: $1111 plus HST

Event Overview:

Join us on September 14th for a profound 6-hour journey of Higher Heart Activation, led by Joey Wargachuk. This exclusive event is designed for individuals seeking deep healing, transformation, and alignment through intense energy work. Limited spots are available, ensuring an intimate and powerful experience. Secure your spot with a deposit today, and prepare for a life-changing experience.

Special Bonuses:

  • Crystal Kit: Each participant will receive a specially curated $100 crystal kit, designed to support the energetic work done during the event. This kit includes Clear Quartz, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, and Pink Tourmaline, each chosen for its powerful resonance with the Higher Heart Chakra.
  • Exclusive Discount: Enjoy a 30% discount on all purchases made in-store after the event, allowing you to continue your healing journey with additional tools and resources.

Crystals We Will Be Working With:

1. Clear Quartz

  • Description: Known as the "Master Healer," Clear Quartz is a powerful energy amplifier and purifier. It clears the mind, body, and spirit of clutter, allowing for deeper spiritual connection and clarity.
  • Alignment with Event: Clear Quartz will be used throughout the event to amplify the energies of the Higher Heart Chakra and other crystals. It serves as a conductor for divine love, helping participants to focus their intentions and deepen their healing process.
  • How It Helps: Clear Quartz enhances the effects of other crystals, making it an essential component in activating the Higher Heart. It promotes clarity of thought and purpose, aiding in the release of emotional blockages.

2. Rhodonite

  • Description: Rhodonite is known as the "Stone of Compassion," promoting emotional healing and balance. It helps to ground love and opens the heart to forgiveness and self-love.
  • Alignment with Event: Rhodonite is integral to the process of dropping emotional shields and healing the inner child. Its energy helps to nurture compassion for oneself and others, which is key in fully opening the Higher Heart Chakra.
  • How It Helps: Rhodonite works to release past traumas and pain, facilitating deep emotional healing. It aligns the Higher Heart with unconditional love and helps to integrate this energy into daily life.

3. Rhodochrosite

  • Description: Rhodochrosite is the "Stone of the Compassionate Heart," known for its ability to open the heart, promote self-love, and heal deep emotional wounds.
  • Alignment with Event: Rhodochrosite's gentle yet powerful energy will assist in the activation of the Higher Heart Chakra by fostering deep emotional healing and self-compassion. It is particularly effective in healing the inner child and past life traumas.
  • How It Helps: This crystal enhances the connection between the heart and mind, allowing for a balanced flow of love and emotional energy. It encourages forgiveness and acceptance, essential for opening the Higher Heart.

4. Pink Tourmaline

  • Description: Pink Tourmaline is a powerful heart-centered crystal that promotes love, compassion, and emotional healing. It is deeply connected to the energies of the Higher Heart Chakra.
  • Alignment with Event: Pink Tourmaline will be used to infuse the Higher Heart with the energy of divine love. Its vibrations help to cleanse emotional pain and promote feelings of safety and nurturing.
  • How It Helps: This crystal encourages an open, loving, and compassionate heart. It supports the healing of past emotional traumas and fosters a deep connection with the Higher Heart, making it easier to align with your highest purpose.

Combined Power of These Crystals: The combination of Clear Quartz, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, and Pink Tourmaline is specifically curated to create a powerful synergy for opening and activating the Higher Heart Chakra. Together, these crystals work to:

  • Amplify and focus divine love energy.
  • Heal and release deep emotional wounds and traumas.
  • Encourage self-compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
  • Align the Higher Heart with the mind and soul for balanced spiritual growth.
  • Support the integration of higher frequencies of love and compassion into your daily life.

These crystals, included in your crystal kit, are essential tools for the transformative journey of Higher Heart Activation. By working with them during the event, you’ll be able to deepen your connection with your Higher Heart and carry these energies with you long after the event ends.

Detailed Event Outline:

Module 1: Unveiling the Heart (2:00 PM – 4:00 PM)

Theme: Dropping the Shields

  • Opening Circle and Intention Setting (2:00 PM - 2:30 PM)
    • Introduction to the Higher Heart Chakra.
    • Setting personal and group intentions.
    • Guided meditation for connecting and grounding energies.
  • Identifying and Releasing Emotional Armor (2:30 PM - 3:15 PM)
    • Exploration of energetic shields and their origins.
    • Techniques for releasing barriers, fostering vulnerability.
  • Clearing Ancestral and Karmic Blocks (3:15 PM - 4:00 PM)
    • Guided energy work focused on ancestral healing and karmic clearing.
    • Use of crystals, sound healing, and breathwork.

Module 2: Embracing Divine Love (4:00 PM – 6:00 PM)

Theme: Divine Love Infusion

  • Break (4:00 PM - 4:15 PM)
  • Activating the Higher Heart Chakra (4:15 PM - 5:00 PM)
    • Invocation of Divine Love energies.
    • Techniques to fully open the Higher Heart Chakra.
  • Healing the Inner Child and Wounded Aspects (5:00 PM - 5:45 PM)
    • Deep energy work focused on inner child healing and self-compassion.
  • Group Energy Transmission and Activation (5:45 PM - 6:00 PM)
    • Powerful group energy transmission, channeling divine love.

Module 3: Integrating and Aligning (6:00 PM – 8:00 PM)

Theme: Your Heart is Healed

  • Break (6:00 PM - 6:15 PM)
  • Embodiment of the Higher Heart (6:15 PM - 7:00 PM)
    • Techniques for integrating the activation into daily life.
  • Manifesting with the Higher Heart (7:00 PM - 7:45 PM)
    • Using the Higher Heart as a manifesting center for divine will.
  • Closing Circle and Integration (7:45 PM - 8:00 PM)
    • Final reflections and grounding meditation.

What to Bring:

  • A journal and pen for reflections
  • Comfortable clothing
  • An open heart ready for transformation

Who Should Attend: This event is ideal for those ready for serious healing and alignment. If you are prepared to open your heart to divine love and align with your highest purpose, this activation is for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What should I expect during the Higher Heart Activation event? This event is an intensive 6-hour journey focused on deep healing, transformation, and alignment. You can expect a combination of guided meditations, energy work, ancestral and karmic clearing, inner child healing, and group energy transmissions. The event is designed to activate and open your Higher Heart Chakra, allowing you to experience and embody Divine Love in your daily life.

2. What is the payment structure for this event? The total investment for the event is $1111 plus HST. To secure your spot, a $111 plus HST deposit is required at the time of registration. The remaining balance will be due on arrival at the event. This payment structure ensures your commitment and guarantees your place in this transformative experience.

3. Who is leading the event? The event is led by Joey Wargachuk, a seasoned guide in spiritual and energy work. Joey brings years of experience in leading profound transformational journeys and is dedicated to helping participants achieve deep healing and alignment through Higher Heart Activation.

4. What should I bring to the event? Participants are encouraged to bring a journal and pen for reflections, comfortable clothing for the sessions, and most importantly, an open heart and a willingness to engage deeply with the healing processes. You'll also receive a $100 crystal kit as part of your journey.

5. How many people will be attending the event? This event has limited spots to ensure an intimate and powerful experience for all participants. The smaller group size allows for more personalized guidance and deeper connection during the energy work and group activities.

6. What if I can’t attend the full 6 hours? We strongly recommend that you commit to the full 6-hour event to fully benefit from the experience. Each module is carefully designed to build upon the previous one, ensuring a complete journey of healing and activation. If you anticipate any scheduling conflicts, please consider attending another session in the future when you can fully immerse yourself in the process.

Secure your spot today with one payment $1111 plus HST, and prepare to transform your life on September 14th!



Senior Practitioner Joey Wargachuk

Joey is a digital marketing specialist, tarot and crystal expert, and certified Reiki Master, teacher, futurist and novelist. Joey studied Fashion Marketing at the International Academy of Design. Joey Wargachuk is proudly an Approved Executive Member of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine and an accredited international training provider Ref: IPHMNC3005 From a young age, intuition and spiritual practices have been a profoundly essential component to Joey’s life. Clairvoyant talents, a magnetic attraction to the divine, and vibrational understandings of crystals developed early in Joey. When his beloved grandmother willed to him the gift of Tarot as a teen, Joey immediately felt the power.