Third Eye Awakening: Enhancing Intuition and Inner Vision

Date: December 14th, 2024

Time: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Location: 961 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Investment: $1111 plus HST

Event Overview:

Join us on December 14th, 2024, for a transformative 6-hour journey focused on awakening and enhancing your Third Eye, the seat of intuition and inner vision. Led by Joey Wargachuk, this event is designed for individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual insight, sharpen their intuitive abilities, and connect with higher realms of consciousness. Through powerful crystal activations, guided meditations, and energy work, you will unlock the full potential of your Third Eye Chakra and align with your higher self. Limited spots are available to ensure a personalized and impactful experience.

Special Bonuses:

  • Crystal Kit: Each participant will receive a specially curated $100 crystal kit, designed to support the energetic work done during the event. This kit includes Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Iolite, and Amethyst, each selected for their unique properties that enhance intuition and spiritual vision.
  • Exclusive Discount: Enjoy a 20% discount on all purchases made in-store after the event, allowing you to continue your spiritual journey with additional tools and resources.

Crystals We Will Be Working With:

1. Lapis Lazuli

  • Description: Known as the "Stone of Wisdom," Lapis Lazuli enhances psychic abilities, deepens meditation, and encourages the pursuit of truth and inner vision.
  • Alignment with Event: Lapis Lazuli will be used to activate and open the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing your ability to receive intuitive insights and spiritual wisdom. Its energy supports inner vision and deepens your connection to higher realms.
  • How It Helps: Lapis Lazuli strengthens your spiritual awareness, helping you to see beyond the physical realm and connect with your inner guidance. It promotes clarity and understanding, allowing you to trust your intuition.

2. Labradorite

  • Description: Labradorite is a mystical stone known for its protective and transformative properties. It enhances intuition, spiritual insight, and connection to higher realms, while shielding your energy field from negativity.
  • Alignment with Event: Labradorite will be used to protect and strengthen your aura as you work with the Third Eye Chakra. It enhances your ability to receive and interpret spiritual messages, making it easier to navigate the realms of intuition and inner vision.
  • How It Helps: Labradorite sharpens your intuitive abilities, providing a clear channel for spiritual insights. It also protects against energy drains and psychic intrusions, ensuring that your Third Eye remains focused and clear.

3. Iolite

  • Description: Iolite, also known as the "Viking’s Compass," is a powerful stone for inner vision, spiritual journeying, and accessing higher levels of consciousness. It aids in opening the Third Eye and aligning it with your higher self.
  • Alignment with Event: Iolite will be used to deepen your meditative practices and enhance your ability to journey into the spiritual realms. Its energy supports clear inner vision and helps you to navigate the vast landscapes of the mind.
  • How It Helps: Iolite facilitates deep inner work, allowing you to explore the realms of your subconscious mind. It strengthens your connection to your higher self, guiding you on your spiritual path with clarity and purpose.

4. Amethyst

  • Description: Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone that enhances connection to higher realms, intuition, and spiritual insight. It also provides protection and purification, making it ideal for Third Eye work.
  • Alignment with Event: Amethyst will be used to further open and purify the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing your spiritual awareness and connection to divine guidance. It aids in clearing energetic blockages that may hinder your intuitive abilities.
  • How It Helps: Amethyst opens your Third Eye to the higher realms, facilitating clear and accurate intuitive insights. It also provides a protective shield, ensuring that your spiritual journey is safe and grounded.

Combined Power of These Crystals:The combination of Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Iolite, and Amethyst creates a powerful synergy for awakening and enhancing your Third Eye Chakra. Together, these crystals work to:

  • Open and activate the Third Eye for enhanced intuition and spiritual insight.
  • Protect and strengthen your aura, ensuring a clear and focused channel for inner vision.
  • Facilitate deep inner exploration and connection with higher realms.
  • Support clarity, understanding, and trust in your intuitive guidance.

These crystals, included in your crystal kit, are essential tools for the transformative journey of Third Eye Awakening. By working with them during the event, you’ll be able to deepen your connection to your inner guidance and leave with a heightened sense of spiritual awareness.

Detailed Event Outline:

Module 1: Opening the Third Eye (2:00 PM – 4:00 PM)

Theme: Activating Inner Vision

  • Opening Circle and Intention Setting (2:00 PM - 2:30 PM)

    • Introduction to Third Eye Awakening.
    • Setting personal and group intentions.
    • Guided meditation to connect with your higher self and open the Third Eye Chakra.
  • Crystal Activation with Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst (2:30 PM - 3:15 PM)

    • Introduction to the properties of Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst.
    • Guided energy work to activate these crystals and open the Third Eye.
    • Techniques for enhancing inner vision and spiritual insight.
  • Guided Journey to Awaken Inner Vision (3:15 PM - 4:00 PM)

    • Visualization exercises to explore and expand your inner vision.
    • Journaling prompts to capture insights and reflections.
    • Group sharing and integration exercises.

Module 2: Enhancing Intuition (4:00 PM – 6:00 PM)

Theme: Deepening Spiritual Insight

  • Break (4:00 PM - 4:15 PM)

  • Energy Work and Crystal Activation with Labradorite (4:15 PM - 5:00 PM)

    • Introduction to Labradorite and its role in protection and intuition enhancement.
    • Guided energy work to strengthen your aura and deepen your connection to spiritual insights.
    • Techniques for clear and accurate intuitive guidance.
  • Inner Vision Exploration with Iolite (5:00 PM - 5:45 PM)

    • Introduction to Iolite and its role in spiritual journeying.
    • Guided meditation and visualization to explore the subconscious mind.
    • Exercises for accessing and interpreting spiritual messages and visions.
  • Integration and Reflection (5:45 PM - 6:00 PM)

    • Guided meditation to integrate the intuitive insights.
    • Journaling and reflection on the transformation process.

Module 3: Aligning with Higher Guidance (6:00 PM – 8:00 PM)

Theme: Trusting Your Intuition

  • Break (6:00 PM - 6:15 PM)

  • Crystal Activation with Amethyst (6:15 PM - 7:00 PM)

    • Introduction to Amethyst and its role in spiritual protection and insight.
    • Guided energy work to open and purify the Third Eye.
    • Techniques for aligning with higher guidance and trusting your intuition.
  • Creating a Third Eye Manifestation Grid (7:00 PM - 7:45 PM)

    • Guided visualization for manifesting a life aligned with your intuitive guidance.
    • Crystal grid creation using your crystal kit to anchor your intentions.
    • Exercises to strengthen your connection to your inner guidance and higher self.
  • Closing Circle and Integration (7:45 PM - 8:00 PM)

    • Final reflections and grounding meditation.
    • Blessing and closing of the sacred space, sending everyone home with an awakened Third Eye and heightened intuition.

What to Bring:

  • A journal and pen for reflections
  • Comfortable clothing
  • An open heart ready for transformation

Who Should Attend:This event is ideal for those ready to enhance their intuition, deepen their spiritual insight, and awaken their Third Eye Chakra. If you are seeking to connect with your inner vision and trust your intuitive guidance, this activation is for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What should I expect during the Third Eye Awakening event?This event is an intensive 6-hour journey focused on awakening and enhancing your Third Eye Chakra, the seat of intuition and inner vision. You can expect a combination of guided meditations, energy work, crystal activations, and group discussions. The event is designed to help you deepen your spiritual insight, sharpen your intuitive abilities, and connect with higher realms of consciousness.

2. What is the payment structure for this event?The total investment for the event is $1111 plus HST. To secure your spot

3. Who is leading the event?The event is led by Joey Wargachuk, a seasoned guide in spiritual and energy work. Joey brings years of experience in leading profound transformational journeys and is dedicated to helping participants awaken and enhance their Third Eye Chakra.

4. What should I bring to the event?Participants are encouraged to bring a journal and pen for reflections, comfortable clothing for the sessions, and most importantly, an open heart and a willingness to engage deeply with the spiritual processes. You'll also receive a $100 crystal kit as part of your journey.

5. How many people will be attending the event?This event has limited spots to ensure an intimate and powerful experience for all participants. The smaller group size allows for more personalized guidance and deeper connection during the energy work and group activities.

6. What if I can’t attend the full 6 hours?We strongly recommend that you commit to the full 6-hour event to fully benefit from the experience. Each module is carefully designed to build upon the previous one, ensuring a complete journey of spiritual awakening and intuition enhancement. If you anticipate any scheduling conflicts, please consider attending another session in the future when you can fully immerse yourself in the process.

Secure your spot today with a $1111 plus HST , and prepare to awaken and enhance your Third Eye on December 14th!


Senior Practitioner Joey Wargachuk

Joey is a digital marketing specialist, tarot and crystal expert, and certified Reiki Master, teacher, futurist and novelist. Joey studied Fashion Marketing at the International Academy of Design. Joey Wargachuk is proudly an Approved Executive Member of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine and an accredited international training provider Ref: IPHMNC3005 From a young age, intuition and spiritual practices have been a profoundly essential component to Joey’s life. Clairvoyant talents, a magnetic attraction to the divine, and vibrational understandings of crystals developed early in Joey. When his beloved grandmother willed to him the gift of Tarot as a teen, Joey immediately felt the power.