Registration Closes October 9th 12pm est 2024

Only 5 Spots! 1 on 1 Mastermind Starts January 16th 2023

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Ready to metamorphosis the world with Crystals!

Crystal Business Success Manifested

Explore Marketing Styles and tactics that are zoomed in for Crystal Businesses exclusively

I want to take you on a Crystal Success Journey!

A Invitation from Joey Wargachuk

I created this mastermind because after years of going to business coaches and working in the crystal spirituality industry no one had a clue!

I was very WTF. I had to create an entirely new system and wheel that worked in the crystal healing space.

I Felt like you! I wanted to share the magic of crystal with the world but felt that no one heard or saw me online.

I spent years tying systems and strategies from every avenue, but it always felt like there was so much resistance.

Things got so overwhelming and I thought I would never make a dent in the industry I was so in love with!

 Guess What! When I took time for me and zeroed in on who I was and why I loved crystals and let their vibrations and energy help me do the work! I was about find a balance and a rhythm that didn’t even match what any of those “experts” were telling me!

I found peace but most importantly I found Traction and the grow I was asking the universe for!

No Matter if your Selling Crystals online/ teaching crystals or have old fashion products in a physical location no matter where! The things I learned and the advice I have shared with industry friends has helped them in so many transformational ways!

 I put this together because I am ready to bring you into my practice and be your support so you can get to where you finally feel the growth and see the fruits of your labor finally take off.

What Would you do if you were meeting your goals? Do you even have Weekly/Monthly Goals?

If you where reaching your goals in your crystal business how would that change the energy of your life? What would you do with your day? How would that Change your Team? What Would your inventory look like? Take a second to Imagine and create from a moment of passion and love that you have for crystals! “hold your favorite crystal while you meditate on this”.

This is why I invite you to Join me and Why I created Crystal Clear Mastermind

Joey Wargachuk

What if you had me coaching you, helping you grow your relationship with Crystals, available for your questions, and ready to guide you in your crystal business? What could that do for you?

Weekly teaching, Q&A sessions, and Guided Crystal Meditations, are all part of the 6 week program!

What if you had access to dynamic teaching & weekly support to help accelerate your crystal business, time in the Work, Magic, and encounters in the work of Crystals presence to the next level?

Never wonder "Going in the right direction?" or "How do I analyse that my efforts are working?" again!

That's what you get with the 12 session 1 on 1 Crystal Clear Business Mastermind.

Join me for this journey as we dive into the world of crystal and the art of running and marketing a crystal business together to deepen your relationship with your mission with crystals quickly!

Plus, you will get lifetime access!

This could be the one of the most important decisions you ever make for your spiritual Business growth, by joining this coaching program.

I will work with you to build your confidence in planning and executing decisions that work in your crystal business, teach you to how to get revelation from the Crystal-verse each day, provide activations to train you to easily enter into Vibration of the crystals to grow in your life and your business wherever you are in the crystal business journey? 

BONUS: GET LIFETIME PRO MEMBERSHIP ACCESS Get access to all my courses, weekly/Monthly teachings and Q&A calls, future courses, exclusive ministry opportunities, and much more!

Isn't time you finally started investing into yourself and business and start accessing and materializing your Crystal vision of your business? 

Get access to the same teaching and activation's that have equipped over 30,000 students to experience the power of crystals!

This will change your life! It's not just a theory, but practical, real, easy to do action, coaching that has transformed numerous lives and businesses!

Get all the help & support you need to create a thriving Crystal business of your own Where you Get the sales and attention you know your meant to have!!

The ONLY Business Mastermind created for people just like YOU, the Crystal mystics and Crystal Thought leaders, conscious business creators who:

- Need more than a list to create a vision aligned with your Crystal Business 

- Want to Grow a business and practice and grow your following that is a true community.

- Dream of an aligned business that has gravity in feels like its growing

- Want to transform the world with crystals and share that light with a growing community

What’s Included

  1. 12/24 Crystal Business Building Sessions
  2. Zeroing in on Your Crystal Business Vision
  3. Planning Your Crystal Business
  4. What are you Really Selling? (Products & Services)
  5. Growing Your Customers & Community
  6. Business Growth Mindset & Law of Attraction in crystal business 

The Mastermind Outline

Crystal Clear Business Mastermind is a LIVE ON ZOOM 12/24 Sessions over 12 weeks/months online business mentorship. We are going to build this together. No more "fend-for-yourself" mentality. 

Dates and Times

Registration closes October 9th 12pm est 

Starts Nov 4th 2024

You will receive 1 Hour 1 on 1 zoom session over 12/24 sessions! You can book for Weekly or Monthly!

You can book What resonates best with you and your business vision and needs.

12/24 Session Weekly if your seeking to commit to radical change and action.

12/24 Sesson monthly looking for steady planning and direction over the upcoming year of 2025

This Mastermind course includes...

Live Q+A and Hot Seat Coaching with Joey Wargachuk

12/24 Live on Zoom individualized Sessions! Yes there will be Lifetime Access To personalized Replays!

templates + Soul-searching worksheets

Accountability Challenges – Weekly/Monthly Goals That we check in on!

12 Crystal Meditations that will help align and activate goals and open up the road to success done each session! 

BONUS! GET LIFETIME PRO MEMBERSHIP ACCESS Get access to all my courses, weekly/Monthly teachings and Q&A calls, future courses, exclusive Crystal/Wholesale/Mentorship opportunities, and much more!


  • Can anyone from around the world take this course?

    Yes, this course is open to international applicants from all over the world.

  • Do I need prior experience with crystals to take this course?

    No prior experience with crystals is required. This course is open to all levels and everyone is encouraged to join. However, this course requires a resolve to move ahead to the next level in your crystal Business.

  • What happens if I miss a live Zoom class and cannot watch the replay 2 hours after the class?

    You can catch up on what you missed by watching the Zoom replay at any time.

Kathleen S.

“Joey, you are incredibly engaging and a joy to learn from! I love the atmosphere and presentation style of your "lectures." Actually, they don't FEEL like lectures at all, rather they feel like sitting down with a cup of coffee or tea with a friend and having a conversation - such a comforting and relaxing learning environment you provide! Keep doing THAT! I loved every minute!”

Megan Avalos

This was a great course. I enjoyed the experience and would recommend it to anyone looking for a crystal 101 class.

Tammy Taylor

Definately a good match for me, very helpful and informative and gives a better understanding of crystals.

Maria P.

“I really appreciated the depth and coverage that this course offers. I really didn't have a clue about crystal pairing until Joey introduced me to this! His knowledge and passion are very evident in his courses and I am a fan!”

Lisa Marsan

The information was presented with enthusiasm balanced with factual knowledge. Joey is always an engaging instructor. His passion for the topics he teaches is evident. The quizzes were very helpful, as were the visual aids and examples. A few exercises or interactive content would improve the course, such as something where you have to recognize a crystal based on its appearance or drag-and-drop stones into a grid. Great course! I will recommend it without hesitation.