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Joey Wargachuk is an Executive Member of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine. Offering In person, Online, and 1 on 1 Mystic & Marketing Training

Crystal Healer Practitioner Certification

Twelve Part Crystal Healer Practitioner Certification

This is a Crystal Healing course for professional use with a Certificated Crystal Healer CCH Certification. evaluated and Accredited by the instructor Joey Wargachuk.

--Course Outline--

Section One:

  • Introduction to Crystal Healing
  • History of Crystal Healing: Chinese Stone Medicine, Healing Amulets and New Age Jewelry

Section Two:

  • Understand the Physical Body & Energetic Crystal Correspondence
  • The 8 Energetic Body Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Effects of Crystals
  • Understanding Energetic impacts of Internal/External/Cosmic 

Section Three:

  • Intuitive Energetic Testing
  • Crystals for Spiritual and Energetic Clearing and EMF Protection
  • Direct & Distance Healing with crystal
  • Crystal Wands & Crystal Palm stone

Section Four: 

  • Expanding consciousness: Chakra & Aura Awareness
  • Leading Chakra Balancing Guided Meditations for self care and Groups
  • Crystals & Sound Healing
  • Crystals & Herbs/Teas
  • Crystals & essential Oils
  • Crystals & Gem Waters/Elixirs

Section Five:

  • Crystal Aura Reading
  • Induction and File keeping
  • 5 Keys to Healer self Care

Section Six:

  • Assignment 1 Due

Section Seven:

  • Chakra Balancing Fundamentals
  • Higher Realm healing
  • Polarity and the Shadow Self
  • Forgiveness & Trauma Release with Crystals


Section Eight:

  • Crystal Body Layouts
  • In Class Assignments
  • Crystal Healing and Astrology 

Section Nine:

  • Crystal Healing Case Studies
  • Crystals for addictions
  • Crystals for Rage
  • Crystal for empaths
  • Crystal for psychics & mediums 

Section Ten:

  • Working with real life client Scenarios
  • Crystal Healing for End of Life

Section Eleven:

  • Creating a successful Crystal Healing Practice
  • Ethical Crystal Healing Code

Final Exam


Those that complete all 12 sections and pass the test will receive a Crystal Healer Practitioner certificate!

Receive PDF Download material:

- Crystal Healer Crystal Starter list

- Clearing Crystals & Crystal Structures

- Chakra Crystals for healers

- Crystals for aliments & illness

- Crystal Healer Grid Layouts

-Crystals for the Aura and energy body healing

- Setting Up Your Successful Crystal Healer Practice

- A digital copy of all course material slides upon completion of the course

This is a Video Course Filmed in 2022

Success Stories


Tammy Taylor

Crystals For Reiki

Definately a good match for me, very helpful and informative and gives a better understanding of crystals.

Lisa Marsan

Crystal Master Certification

The information was presented with enthusiasm balanced with factual knowledge. Joey is always an engaging instructor. His passion for the topics he teaches is evident. The quizzes were very helpful, as were the visual aids and examples. A few exercises or interactive content would improve the course, such as something where you have to recognize a crystal based on its appearance or drag-and-drop stones into a grid. Great course! I will recommend it without hesitation.

Megan Avalos

Crystal Master Certification

This was a great course. I enjoyed the experience and would recommend it to anyone looking for a crystal 101 class.

Workshop Highlights

  • Introduction to the History of Crystal Healing
  • Crystal Healer Crystal List
  • Crystal Clearing & Protection
  • 5 Keys to Healer self Care
  • Understanding the physical, energetic and aura body
  • Crystals for illness and aliments
  • Crystal combos for healing
  • Gem Water/Elixers
  • Crystal aura reading
  • Crystal Chakra Balancing
  • Crystal Healing Grid Layouts
  • Leading Crystal Guided Meditations
  • Healing Case Studies
  • Intake & file keeping
  • Crystal Healing Practitioner success


Senior Practitioner Joey Wargachuk

Joey is a digital marketing specialist, tarot and crystal expert, and certified Reiki Master, teacher, futurist and novelist. Joey studied Fashion Marketing at the International Academy of Design. Joey Wargachuk is proudly an Approved Executive Member of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine and an accredited international training provider Ref: IPHMNC3005 From a young age, intuition and spiritual practices have been a profoundly essential component to Joey’s life. Clairvoyant talents, a magnetic attraction to the divine, and vibrational understandings of crystals developed early in Joey. When his beloved grandmother willed to him the gift of Tarot as a teen, Joey immediately felt the power.