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Joey Wargachuk is an Executive Member of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine. Offering In person, Online, and 1 on 1 Mystic & Marketing Training

An Intensive Certifcation Mastermind

Deep Dive Into using Crystals for Mediumship!

Welcome to the Crystal Mediumship Certification Are you ready to dive into the world of spiritual communication and connect with the other side without the energetic drama of channeling the beyond directly? Join Joey Wargachuk, a renowned spiritual teacher and crystal mediumship expert, for a magical 1 Hour Master Class!

During this workshop, you will discover the incredible power of working with the crystal kingdom and angelic realm to facilitate a clear connection with loved ones who have passed. Joey will guide you through a step-by-step process to activate your Third Eye and see through the veil, while using the matrix energy vortex of crystals to enhance your connection.

Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn during the workshop:

  • What is mediumship, and how can you connect with the angelic realm to facilitate communication?
  • Discover the best crystals for mediumship and how to use them to enhance your connection.
  • Angelic crystal attunement: learn how to connect with the angelic realm using crystals.
  • See ghosts and spirits in your area and connect with loved ones who have passed.
  • Communicate with figures from history in a crystal séance.
  • Learn how to protect yourself and close off the sight of ghosts, spirits, and entities with crystals.
  • Connect with loved ones with angels and crystals demonstration.
  • Pulling it all together: Joey will provide a homework assignment to help you integrate everything you've learned during the workshop.

The class is structured into four sections: a lecture/guided meditation/activation (1 hour), a demonstration (15-30 mins), Q&A (15-30 mins), and a homework explanation & assignment (5-15 mins).

As a Crystal Mediumship Certification student, you'll receive a certificate of completion that will certify you as an expert in this modality. This certificate will enable you to share your knowledge with others and build a successful career as a crystal mediumship practitioner.

Sign up now to discover the incredible power of crystal mediumship and connect with the other side in a safe and loving way. J

Don't miss this opportunity to become a certified Crystal Mediumship expert and take your spiritual journey to the next level!

Time: 60min

This is a video Course!

Cost: $27.77 Life time Access! or Part of the Pro Membership!

Class Structure & Length 
 Each class is structured into 4 sections 

  • Lecture/guided meditation/activation ( 1-1.5 hour)
  • Demonstration (15-30mins)
  • Q & A (15-30mins)
  • Homework explanation & assignment (5-15mins)

Pricing Options


Senior Practitioner Joey Wargachuk

Joey is a digital marketing specialist, tarot and crystal expert, and certified Reiki Master, teacher, futurist and novelist. Joey studied Fashion Marketing at the International Academy of Design. Joey Wargachuk is proudly an Approved Executive Member of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine and an accredited international training provider Ref: IPHMNC3005 From a young age, intuition and spiritual practices have been a profoundly essential component to Joey’s life. Clairvoyant talents, a magnetic attraction to the divine, and vibrational understandings of crystals developed early in Joey. When his beloved grandmother willed to him the gift of Tarot as a teen, Joey immediately felt the power.

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