6 Month Intensive Online Tarot Master Program

Do You Want to Master Tarot? Grow a Successful Tarot Business?

A radically unique 6-Month online training program that supports you on your individual journey to becoming a professional-level Tarot Reader, taught by Joey Wargachuk, an accomplished reader and teacher with over 22 years of tarot readings experience and 10 years teaching and running a spiritual guidance business online and in person in Canada.

Program Highlights

  • A week of orientation consisting of short emails introducing you to the dedicated course site material, and to help prepare you for the first class
  •  37+ hours of specialized video class time with Joey Wargachuk (value $5,550)
  • Dedicated, password-protected website ("Course Hub") with all resources including business development resources, client intake and release forms, dedicated course Admin for technical support and program-related questions, with all handouts, slides and bonuses promo codes (value $2,500)

Total Value of the program: $8,050


Lifetime Access to Pro Membership to ALL of Wargachuk Academy Topics include: Tarot, Crystals, Spiritual Protection and 5 keys to psychic self care and so much more

Valued at $2500+

Receive 25% Coupon for Readings with Joey Wargachuk

Valued at $500+

Start Date

Virtual Registration Opens  

Enrollment limit 30 students at anytime

Payment Plans Available:

1 payment of $777CAD

12 Monthly Payments of 64.75CAD

 6 Monthly Payments of $129.50CAD

3 Monthly Payments of $260.00CAD


Course Outline 

Each class is 60-90 mins of video

Have Access To Monthly Live on Zoom Q&A an Hot Seat Training With Joey Wargachuk

Section 1

Introduction to Tarot

Week 1: Outline of Expectations and the History of Tarot

Week 2: Selecting your Deck, energy, clearing your cards & Crystals for Tarot

Week 3:The Fundamentals of Narrative and Storytelling: The Major Arcana

 Week 4: Modern  vs Traditional Tarot Cards: Reading for others and reading for yourself.

Section 2

Major Arcana Mastery

Week 5: Mastering the Major Arcana 1 to 11

Week 6: Mastering the Major arcana 11 to 22

Week 7: 3 Card Readings with the Major Arcana

 Week 8: 22 Cards Review of Major Arcana Fundamentals

Section 3

Minor Arcana Mastery

Week 9: Suit of Cups

Week 10: Suit of Pentacles

Week 11: Suit of Swords

 Week 12: Suit of Wands

Section 4

Court Cards as People, Reversals

Week 13: Suit of Cups & Pentacles, Court Card Relationships in readings

Week 14: Suit of Swords & Wands, Court Card Fundaments

 Week 15: Traditional Reversals & Reversal Fundaments

Section 5

Adding Layers of Interpretation

Week 16: Structuring the Reading: Tarot Spreads

Week 17: Numerology & Astrology

Week 18: Psychic Development & Using Intuition

 Week 19: Pulling the story all together! Mastering a 30min and 60min reading!

Section 6

Building a Successful Tarot Business

Week 20: Creating a Tarot Persona & Building your Success Map.

Week 21: Code of Ethics and Case Studies

Week 22: Building your marketing tools and defining your ideal client

Week 23: Where to Read & Setting up Pricing Based on locations and client type

Week 24: Sharing your Gifts and Following your Life Purpose with Tarot.

Week 25 No Class “Exam Prep Week”

 Week 26: Exam

Each Section includes classes, independent study, homework, self or client case studies, group, and personal coaching exercises.

Successful Completion: To receive the Tarot master Certification 90% on final quiz and a full video reading done for Joey Wargachuk as well handing in all 10 case studies.

Learning Outcomes:

You will learn how to confidently provide accurate readings that help your clients or yourself navigate to their perfect future. This workshop provides you a with a tool kit of strong mystical fundamentals through the advance study of the 78 cards, Astrology, Numerology and Psychic Development to develop the best Tarot Reader you possibly can be.

On completion of this workshop:

- Confidently give Highly Accurate Tarot Readings
- Use Tarot to improve all aspects of your life and clients lives
- Learn the art of the Hero’s Journey and Story Telling with tarot for guidance
- Master assorted styles of doing Readings and 8 different layout types
- Learn how to use Tarot as a powerful Spiritual Development and Business Tool
 - Learn how to translate Mystic Art and Ancient Traditions of Tarot to modern life and use it ethically


Receive IPHM Accreditation

Joey Wargachuk is an Executive Member of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine. Offering In person, Online, and 1 on 1 Mystic & Marketing Training

Workshop Highlights

  • Introduction and History of Tarot
  • All 78 Tarot Cards in a traditional deck
  • Court Cards and how they are people in your everyday life
  • Reversals of Major Arcana and how to use the 4 reversal fundamentals
  • Using Astrology and Numerology of the Tarot to get accurate dates and times of events
  • The Art of Tarot readings through “The Hero’s Journey” story telling
  • Reversals of Major Arcana and how to use the 4 reversal fundamentals
  • Psychic Development of your Third Eye and using intuition with cards and full readings
  • Using Tarot Layouts and mastering the core 8 and how to create your own!
  • Growing and creating your tarot reading brand
  • Building your Tarot Reading business
  • Where and how to make money as a Tarot reader


Maureen Shadden

Tarot Master Certification

Joey is amazing and puts off great energy through the whole course. He gives great information on each of the 78 cards and makes them easy to learn. I will definitely be looking into the other courses he has to offer.

Lisa Marsan

Crystal Master Certification

The information was presented with enthusiasm balanced with factual knowledge. Joey is always an engaging instructor. His passion for the topics he teaches is evident. The quizzes were very helpful, as were the visual aids and examples. A few exercises or interactive content would improve the course, such as something where you have to recognize a crystal based on its appearance or drag-and-drop stones into a grid. Great course! I will recommend it without hesitation.

Megan Avalos

Crystal Master Certification

This was a great course. I enjoyed the experience and would recommend it to anyone looking for a crystal 101 class.


Senior Practitioner Joey Wargachuk

Joey is a digital marketing specialist, tarot and crystal expert, and certified Reiki Master, teacher, futurist and novelist. Joey studied Fashion Marketing at the International Academy of Design. Joey Wargachuk is proudly an Approved Executive Member of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine and an accredited international training provider Ref: IPHMNC3005 From a young age, intuition and spiritual practices have been a profoundly essential component to Joey’s life. Clairvoyant talents, a magnetic attraction to the divine, and vibrational understandings of crystals developed early in Joey. When his beloved grandmother willed to him the gift of Tarot as a teen, Joey immediately felt the power.

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